SFMSC.com Help Page

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Login Specifics:
Your login name and ID are used to search through our database to find your records. If you enter these incorrectly, no records will be returned.

Name- This is where you enter your last name. You can enter your name in all lower case letter, since it is not case sensitive.
ID- This is your Tax ID #. It needs to be in the form of: 00-0000000. You must type the dash(-) in and you cannot put any spaces in between characters. There may be some cases where a provider has different Tax ID #'s for different hospitals. Be sure you are using the correct one, otherwise you might not be viewing the claims you wanted to see.

Data Search Specifics:
The search fields allow you to specify specific claims you want to look at. You have the option to look at all of your claims at once, but this is not recommended. Some providers have thousands of claims, and to show all of them it will take a very long time for the web page to load.

You may select as many of these options as you want.

Processed/Unprocessed- An unprocessed claim is a claim that has not been paid yet. Processed claims are ones that have already been paid.
Approved/Rejected- An approved claim is a claim that fits our payment criteria. It has been paid already, or will be paid. Rejected claims are claims that we do not pay. The specific reasons for each claim being rejected are shown in the [Rejected Reason] data field.
By Patient ID- To enable this option you must first click the checkbox. Then you can search for a specific patient by their Insurance ID#. This number is usually their social security number followed by two more digits (01,02,...). The ID has a total of 11 numbers. You must not type dashes or spaces between any of the numbers, or it will not work correctly.
By Date of Service- Click on the checkbox to enable this option. You may then enter the dates of service you want the data to cover. You should type the dates in the format of: Month/Day/Year (Example: type 7/27/00 for July 27, 2000). There are other valid formats, but this is the easiest and most commonly used. The data loaded will show you all the claims with the dates that are between the two dates that you typed in. The earlier of the two dates must be in the first box, or it will not work correctly. If you only want to search for one specific date, you may enter it in the first box, and leave the second box blank.

If still you have any questions, email us at info@sfmsc.com

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